Thursday, March 18, 2010

On spatial signifier in voodles

click for video: Quicktime / Flash / .m4v / direct streaming for PC

"...when the spatial signifiers are given wide play -as opposed to the practice in what are know as "static, theatrical" videos - voodles create spatial relations that implicate an ever expanding set of spaces in a process akin to what Barthes calls a "metonymic skid" of space: each space adding to its neighbour some new trait, some new departure. It is at this point that a (Renseiw) voodle becomes truly "spacial", that one of its narrative acts is the creation of space. The expanding (contracting, pulsation) array of elated spaces is as much part of the voodle text as the characters, their movements, their words and it constitutes a narrative in combination with them."

Indeed, acquits Sam Renseiw, pointing out, however, that his main aim in the act of voodling centres in the (re)creation of space, with attentive care to relatively benign architectural matters. View the recent voodled concoction of spaces by clicking here or on the links above.(patafilm # 756, 04'50'', 57MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features moving, multi-generations in [a] confined art space. (Lum # 259,"body_space morphology" 01'09''(!), 14MB, Quicktime/mov)

As most voodles seem to be devoid of characters, here are two more Lumieres crammed with moving figures. XtraLumiere 1 click here, Xtra Lumiere 2 click here;(Lum # 257 & lum # 258, 01'00''each, ca. 11.8MB, Quicktime/mov)

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