Sunday, April 01, 2007

On reversibility as true symbolic form

click for: Quicktime version / Flash version

"This reversal leads us inverse negative relation between the cinema and reality: it results from the loss of specificity which both have suffered. Cold collage, cool promiscuity, asexual engagement of two cold media which evolve in asymptotic line towards one another: cinema attempting to abolish itself in the absolute of reality, the real already long absorbed in cinematographic (or televised) hyperreality."

As Balconia never happens in winter - in Denmark- Sam Renseiw re-collected fragments of Baudrillard raised issues while capturing prime footage of pruning of the central weeping willow. View the drama unfolding by clicking here or view the same situation last spring. (patafilm # 380, 00'53'', 3.9 MB, Quicktime/Mov - Flash version at

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